Friday, February 20, 2009

I stopped by a state store today...

I was walking around on my lunch break at work today and stopped by the state store on 19th and Chestnut. Let me start off by saying this: The situation is dire.

They have recently rearranged the bottles on the shelves. I think it might be to accommodate the ever growing selection of flavored vodkas. What scares me about this is that this may be coming at the expense of shelf space for actual good booze.

How are Philadelphians supposed to drink good stuff if all they are confronted with is root beer flavored vodka (it actually exists, ugh...)?!?!

I fear that state stores are going the way of the super market. High volume crap like the new coke product or super bad for you imitation cheese crackers get the shelf space and endcaps at these stores, while white grape vodka and premixed margaritas are getting it in state stores. Terrible...

I know that the state store monopoly (yes, I said the "M" word) makes Pennsylvania tons of money, but it is coming at the expense of my taste buds and I just do not like it. People will make the excuse that they can leverage they buying power to get great discounts and while that may be true, they are getting big discounts on crap.

My state can't determine my religion for me, so why do they have the right to determine my cocktail???

I snapped some pictures of the most appalling flavored vodkas to grace the shelves recently. Eww...


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